Saturday, November 20, 2010

Featured Author: David Michael

Most days, David Michael is a software developer and a writer. Some days, he’s a writer and a software developer. Other days, he’s an amateur photographer. Because, really, who is the same person every day?

David is the designer and developer of The Journal, personal journaling software for Windows. He has also designed and developed video games, and has written two nonfiction books and numerous articles about video game development.

His horror novel, The Summoning Fire, is discussed here:

10 Questions

1) How long have you been writing?

I’ve been writing off and on my whole life, starting from about age 10 or 11, when I wrote my first short story (about a lost puppy) and numerous comic books (about superheroic, anthropomorphic animals). The current “on” stretch started back in 2002, with only a few months “off” in 2008 to focus on a software project.

2) How are you marketing your books?

Most of my marketing has been focused on online communities, submitting to book reviewers, and similar. I have a blog, Guns & Magic (, where I post free fiction as well as thoughts about writing (mine and others) and news about my various books.

3) Tell us why readers will like your latest book.

The Summoning Fire is a fast-paced story of betrayal, revenge, and suicidal tendencies. It’s dark and horrific in a very casual way as the story explores the nightmare society that is Hell on Earth.

And it has a bad-ass woman with a shotgun and a sword, a half-devil crime boss with cannibalistic tendencies, and an amorphous creature summoned from a completely from different Hell that sees in shades of emotion and eats people by absorbing them.

4) How do you edit your books? Do you have help?

I edited The Summoning Fire front to back several times (more than 3, fewer than 8). I also had a few “first readers” who gave me feedback and helped me see where the story needed adjusting and/or rearranging.

5) Where are your books available? (Include hyperlinks)

The Summoning Fire is available from Amazon.
Trade paperback:



6) What have your reviews been like so far?

The Summoning Fire has been getting good reviews. All of the reviews so far have been 4/5 stars and can be read on the Amazon page:

7) What do you deal with at your blog/website?

I talk about my writing (both production and process). I announce when I have new books available. I list the books I read (with a consolidated list at the end of the year). I post short stories. I’ve posted a couple book reviews.

8) Have you found reader discussion groups for your genre?

Yes. And I’m looking for more.

9) Would you like to review your favorite Smashwords writer?

I’ve not purchased a book via Smashwords yet. Right now only about half the books I read are ebooks I read on my Kindle.

10) What are you working on now?

I’m working on a new horror-humor novel in the vein of “Lovecraft Lite”. I hope to have the first draft done by the end of 2010. Sooner if possible.

Take a look at all of David's books and write your reviews at

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