Saturday, February 5, 2011

DIY Book Reviews!/topic.php?uid=159991364017657&topic=253

You can now post your own book reviews at my Facebook Smashwords Books Reviewed page, and go to the Discussions page and do the Q&A--10 Questions--to let readers know more about you and your work. It's free, and gives me time to actually write and watch SuperBowls.---Neil

1 comment:

  1. Angel in the Attic ISBN#9781609576332 is a fiction novel that will hold you between the covers as Clark takes you into a world with a supernatural twist. Leah Barronne uses wealth she inherited for vengeance against her husband Ian and his illegal wife Cyndi, after Ian hires a man to murder Leah by drowning,she miraculously floats on the lake for days and stuggles to the house and lives in the third story apartment, without Ian and Cyndi knowing she is alive. She monitors them with an unusual device determined to find out why Ian wanted her dead. The end will surprise you just when you think you've got it figured out. Folks are begging for a sequel.
